Cognition Across Development Lab
The CAD Lab moved to Boston University in Summer 2024!
Stay tuned for more exciting news and updates.
What We Do
We study how individuals learn about the social world around them.
The Cognition Across Development (CAD) Laboratory at Boston University in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences explores the development of social cognition. Our research examines how young children make sense of and cope with the complex social world around them. The goal of our research in the CAD Lab is to better understand how early emerging aspects of cognition and perception help an individual thrive in their particular environment.
Recent coverage of the people and the work in the CAD Lab
Dr. Mandalaywala talked all things evolution and nonhuman primates before a screening of the original 1968 Planet of the Apes as part ofthe Science on Screen series at Amherst Cinema.
Dr. Mandalaywala talked about the CAD Lab research at Abandoned Building Brewery in Easthampton, MA as part of the SciTech Cafe series!
Jordan Legaspi won a Fulbright Research Award to spend 2023 in Singapore working with Dr. Peipei Setoh!
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